" God gave me a kick in the butt, and I'm sooo glad I felt it!" -me.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Better Each Day!

So, I really wore myself out mother's day. Had to recoop yesterday... Slept most of the day then Holley and Kerry Sharber, and their little one, (Miss Kinsley) brought us dinner and visited. It was a great evening!
I have an appointment on the 24th this month to see Dr. Mufti the Nuerologist and have full faith that she will say she doesn't need to see me again for a while. My headaches are decreasing daily, but are really bad in the mornings. However I am only taking advil for the pain so I'm thankful!!!! My back is getting more tolerable from where they did the lumbar puncture(between two discs that were bulging before..lol), but I will still have to sell my car. :(
I drove it yesterday and it hurts my right side sooooo bad getting in and out of it b/c it is so low. It's a 2005 toyota corolla we are asking $8500. If interested email me, I will give ya more info.
Oh how can I forget??? I found out two of my favorite people are expecting a little boy!!! sooo excited for Ivory and Nick! And sooooooo excited to meet Mr. Jonah when he arrives! Online shopping here I come! LOL
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
God Bless~Tessa

Sunday, May 9, 2010

New Adventures/ Mother's Day

Well, it's official. I resigned as the School Clinic Clerk at Earlington School. I will not be back next fall. :( After talking with my doctors and my husband, it's the best decision for my ongoing health.My immune system doesnt need to be bombarded with sick kids! I will miss all of my kiddos and staff so much! I will definately be by to visit as soon as I can!

On another note, I will be trying to work from home. I am looking into doing photography and some music promotion. Until then I will be making "memory videos" for anyone that may want one. The first 50 I will do for $1.00 per picture. These can be used for weddings, funerals, birthdays, graduations...etc. I have made several for family and friends in the past. I will try to post one or two. You pick the songs and pics, i put it all together on a dvd for ya! ;) email or call me if you are interested. 270-836-8425 or oglesbymusic@live.com

~ Yesterday would have been my dad's birthday so it was nice to have a beautiful weekend surrounded by friends and family to keep my mind off things. I am not yet a mother but my nephews and family were all around me today and I enjoyed doing some cooking and entertaining here at the house! I then went and spent time with my mother and grandmother and aunts who are soooo wonderful to me! Hope you had a Blessed day as well!

Love, Tessa

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

~Dr. Appt/ Flood~

~Beautiful day outside and in! :o) Saw my family practice doctor today. He said everything is still right on track and looking good. Pulled me off a couple more meds. Now for real down to only my regular meds and something for sleep/tremors IF I need it. I still have to follow up with the nuero doc on the 24th to be released to drive. Still get really tired easily, but who doesn't? LOL A good friend of mine was my driver today to my appt. Had a good time catching up on drama/gossip and enjoying the pretty afternoon. Now another good friend of mine is here cleaning the house for really cheap. If you need your house deep cleaned really well , she's your gal! just message me and I'll hook ya up!! :o)
~I have picked up my guitar SEVERAL times and even sang a few with Joey the other night! Can't wait to start playing out again. For now, I'll have a tip jar on the front porch..Joey says: "Yes! Puddin's BACK!" ;O) (that's his nickname for me for those of you who didn't know)
~Oh! Our basement and garage flooded during the recent rain/ storms. Those of you that know our property..the pretty little creek in front turned into a river and came over the driveway! Only a couple inches of runoff from the hill came in the garage and only 2 rooms in the basement. We are very fortunate compared to many others. BUT, insurance is refusing to pay for it b/c we don't have flood insurance! We're not in a flood plain so they suggested we didn't need it? Why is this place called the "gap" again? LOL Oh well. We are fortunate enough Joey knows how to do most of the things that need to be fixed. I just can't be around the mold right now with my immune system so we've got fans going and damp-rid until we can begin working on it.

Hope you are having a BLESSED day!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tessa Oglesby- Angel From Montgomery Cover


Great day today!
Feeling better and better every day. Still taking it easy, resting when I need to but I'm on the uphill swing! :0) I hearJoey playing my new Gretsch so I better go take it away and show him how it's done...LOL!
Some have asked about where to find my music...
or go to myspace.com/tessaoglesby
Love, Tessa
Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."

Sunday, May 2, 2010


This will now be my main source of communication... I will try to update as often as I can. Thanks again for everything everyone has done and continues to do for us!
God Bless! ~Tessa

My Darby Dog

My Darby Dog

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